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The Name Of The File Is Personal Astronomy (The Sound Cue was Blue Oyster Cult) |
During the rolling--for each roll the GM could for example: (a) make a roll to see if a guard comes by (and the chances improve--so each time I go for another try, I'm at greater risk of being discovered (b) I can take special moves if any are applicable to the drama (so I might use my 1x charge magical lock-picks if things aren't going my way, etc.).
In this case the situation was as follows:
Earlier on--literally months of real-time play ago--our characters had been sent to The Serenity Complex wherein we had our fortunes read by the World Clock. This involved us going down into a dungeon where we were scanned by this ancient thing that would tell us our place in the cosmos.
It appeared as a much, much simpler version of the above (not a piece of it--just a much simpler version) and we got to choose aspects of it. There were questions: What would you kill for? (Would you kill for money / power? For the team? For justice? For fun?) and there were chances to ally ourselves with other factions: Do you Fight For The Emperor? Do You Fight For the Great Houses, and so on.
These were described as "less a cognizant choice" and more of an inclination (I *hated* the emperor so that was out--but I didn't think much of the military or the great houses either--all I did was fight for the Team).
One of our PCs was a girl who had grown up idolizing the emperor (as we were taught to) so she chose him. Another of our group decided they'd kill for power--had very little care for anything else--so he kind of read as a psycho-path.
The decisions were NOT enforceable (the GM could not say "You're not playing as a psychopath: you're doing it wrong)--but we were at times reminded of them. Also: the powerful NPCs in the game were aware of our ratings. They used them to try to manipulate us (and decided my character would crash and burn out--fighting authority with a self-destructive streak--that was one of the areas I chose "Self Destruction.")
So then we graduate and we go to the city (leaving the ruins of the training school behind us because we had come into conflict with an atrocity engine--a literal machine that provided giant engines ... metal hearts ... in return for people above committing atrocities) and had left it a smoldering ruin along with the school that tried to feed us to it.
During the game we started meeting all these people. Our military commander, some of the princesses of the great houses, etc. Some were friends, some were enemies. But our network of things we knew and cared about grew.
In the "end game" we were down in a dungeon where "it all started." We were meeting the "four friends"--super-stars from the Time Before who had managed to find a way to set up our society--they and envisioned the four atrocity engines that shaped our (horrible) world. And they had created other forces to create a sadistic insane environment that would be their legacy (it's complex). We were down there, where their bodies were 'sleeping' -- to finally kill them.
We were with an NPC who was one of the princesses of the great house: she was an adventurer too (or had tried to be, anyway) but, we discovered was an "over-write" of the one of the friends. They had set up their system to find people in power and then overlay their personalities over the target's so the target became kind of an unknowing agent of theirs (except for one night a year: Walprugis Night where the personality woke up).
They were trying to wake up the girl--making her not just sort of an agent of theirs--but literally one of them--to fight against us. This was a drama using WIL rolls--but what you could do was ask for help from your connections.
So we saw HER original reading (which told us a lot about her now that we knew how to read it). She was pretty disconnected too, like we had been--and the far more powerful entity was dominating her--but she had a connection to US. However, if she called on US--for more SPs it brought US into the mind-game. WE could be over-written too. She didn't want to--until we demanded it.
At which point the GM provided the above graphic: the new playing field.
Each roll we made could be augmented by calling on connections that we would fight for, support, etc. Things we believed in. We could call in anyone from the above so long as we could make a convincing case that we had or would place ourselves in serious harm's way for that entity (the Emperor: No way--the great houses? No--but our commander? Yes.
For example, I had gone to the Walprugis Night costume ball dressed as Justice from the Major Acrana of the Tarot so I was able to call in the wheel of Justice (I had chosen that costume because I was sending a message to our enemies in the "Parallel Police" that I was going to bring them to justice).
And so on.
It was a mechanical way of letting the PCs explore how we had evolved as characters--a view of our "arc" over around 1 year + of play.
We crushed the ancient enemy.
I'm not sure if that's clear or not--but I can explain more if necessary (each set of choices was a move and you didn't want to choose one that on cross-examination would be dropped so you had to look at a name and go "Can I support this?"). The cross-examination could come from anyone at the (virtual) table. We all wanted to win but no one wanted bullshit.
While not called out, I would say this mechanic was an expression of how the RPG Dogs In The Vineyard does its combat (both somewhat literally and, I think, definitely figuratively).
Some Follow Up Notes
The Wheel of the Self (which was where we started more or less) was invalid for this combat as the things we were fighting were far more self-important than we could be. So that was "swept away." The four things in the the corners were the Anamoi--parts of the massive, nigh-eternal, nigh-omnipotent computer system that had existed 'before.' The World Clock was responsible for destiny and it was broken. It was what had told our fortunes before.
Central Fire and The Music of the Spheres had taken off to space, disgusted with humanity (they had their reasons). The World Storm stayed behind, unable / unwilling to interfere with the state of man--but watching. In the end we had a system-reset which would destroy these things (and their dark shadows--the atrocity engines--and we used it). When the World Storm, churning invisibly overhead above our hellish desert landscape shut down, it began to rain.
Also: The massive chapter Innate Power is completed / proof-read! I think next to my editor will be Cybernetics ... (if I give her the even bigger Domain Control powers section it might break her spirit).
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